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Why does Object.keys on a Record return string[]?
4 min readDec 13, 2021


Intuitively, one may expect Object.keys on Record<K, T> to return K[], but it instead returns string[]. Why?

What is a record?

A record of type Keys to Type is an object whose property keys of type Keys are mapped to property values of type Type. For example, a Record<string, number> is an object where any string property will return a number value. For example, obj.someString may return the number 123, because we are accessing a string property of obj: someString.

It may be intuitive to read Record<string, number> like maps, as “a record of strings to numbers.” That is, for any string, this record associates a number to it.

How do you use a record?

Records are particularly interesting and useful when you are using something more finite than primitives.

enum Friend {
Ace = 'ace',
Charles = 'charles',
Eric = 'eric',
interface Profile {
readonly height: number;
const profiles: Record<Friend, Profile> = {
[Friend.Ace]: {
height: 64,
[Friend.Charles]: {
height: 70,
[Friend.Eric]: {
height: 68,

In the above example, the profiles record is a record of friends to profiles. That is, if I were to look up a friend, I will receive a profile. profiles.Charles returns Charles’s profile.



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