Member-only story
Your 1-on-1 conversations with your manager are some of the most important and productive opportunities for you to improve your career satisfaction and achieve career growth. It’s easy to struggle for a topic of conversation, especially when you are a recent hire and have yet to establish yourself among the team. In this article, I will share with you some tips for preparing for your meeting, the questions I ask during my meetings, and how to promote the most personal growth.
Preparation ✍
As your week is progressing, take notes of what you may want to ask or discuss with your manager. You may want to confirm some best practices as they arise. Do you understand what to do and why? Does the team need to adopt practices that you feel bring value? You may feel unsure about a decision you made and seek clarity. Was it right, and why or why not? What would your manager suggest you do differently in the future?
Of particular value, note any difficulties you have had with other team members. Use this personal time to air pent up anxieties and angers before they leak through during team meetings and communication. Your manager can filter and anonymize this feedback into a constructive conversation with the third party during their 1-on-1 sessions.